:golden-agree: 屠華滅漢
5000 years of history, 1/6 world population, why does China's technological and cultural contributions can't compare to these countries?
Question : With 5000 years of history, 1/6 world population, why does China's technology and cultural contributions can't compare to USA, Japan, Uk, France, Germany, Russia?
(translated from https://pincong.rocks/question/1932)
China claims to have 5 thousand years of civilisation, and with 1/6 of the world's population.
Most technological and cultural contributions to mankind in modern history came from countries like USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Russia; whereas China's contributions isn't a lot, seem to be worser than USA 300 years ago.
With a background in civil engineering
(I am an editor managing a civil engineering online forum), i know where the major discoveries and civil technologies came from (above countries), it is rare to have them coming from China. This can be seen in most civil engineering textbooks. Personally i believe Nobel prize for technology can indicate how countries have contributed to mankind.So when CCP claims to be a great country/nation, what does this mean?
When CCP decided to go against (advanced) civilised countries, is this an 'anti mankind' action?
CCP's internet blockage and controling the flow of information is not futhering the advance of human civilisation. If you stand in the eyes of God, utter destructuon of China wouldn't harm the advancement of human civilisation.
So letting a 'world wide flood' cleanse China, is it a righteous and logical thing to do?
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