WSJ:反送中港青越過南海來台 憶起驚濤駭浪「嚇得要死」

  • WSJ:反送中港青越過南海來台 憶起驚濤駭浪「嚇得要死」
    2021/06/20 20:36

    《華爾街日報》獨家披露5名港青逃離香港的凶險過程,稱5人年齡介於 18 至 26 歲之間,在 2020 年 7 月啟程前幾乎不認識。
    當他們從香港乘坐充氣快艇出發時,只帶著 iPhone 和指南針,引導他們穿越數百英里的公海到達台灣。過程中,他們專注觀察上方和身後是否有中共追擊的跡象,在驚濤駭浪中,行駛5個多小時,卻發現手機上的 GPS 顯示仍在中國水域。
    抵達台灣 藏身高雄
    落腳美國 尋求庇護
    另一位知情人士透露,美國和台灣花了6個月的時間,才找到5人安全離開的方法。今年1 月 13 日,5人乘坐商業航班飛往蘇黎世,再轉往紐約。
    How Five Hong Kong Protesters Escaped by Speedboat, Found Freedom in the U.S.

    The men barely knew each other before crossing the South China Sea to Taiwan. ‘We were scared to death,’ one said of their journey.

    TAIPEI—As five men cut through the vast waters of the South China Sea in an inflatable speedboat, they kept a close watch above and behind them for signs of pursuit.
    They had set out from Hong Kong that morning under blue skies, with only iPhones and a compass to guide them across hundreds of miles of open sea to Taiwan. As they steered into deeper waters, waves jolted the vessel, sending life jackets overboard and knocking some of them off their feet.
    The five, whose ages ranged from 18 to 26, barely knew each other before they set off in July 2020. They were all fugitives from Hong Kong, fleeing what they considered to be unfair prosecution and inevitable prison sentences for their roles in pro-democracy protests in 2019.
    Months after reaching Taiwan, all five eventually made it to the U.S. to seek asylum, after the U.S. State Department got involved.
    This account of the only group confirmed to have journeyed to freedom by boat is based on interviews with three of the men. Those three were on the run from Hong Kong authorities at the time of their escape, with two of them charged and facing possible multiyear prison sentences. The circumstances of the remaining two men on the boat couldn’t be determined.

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