
  • https://twitter.com/new27brigade/status/1657932862539325441?s=46


    澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)連日進行歐洲之行,在拜訪梵蒂岡、德國後,14日傍晚意外宣布即刻二度造訪法國,當晚總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)在總統府接見澤倫斯基,先前行程保密到家。





    馬克宏強調,這顯然不是「特殊行動」,因為一切都是俄羅斯總統蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)挑起的。



    澤倫斯基這次歐洲行程已會見義大利總理梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)、德國總理蕭茲(Olaf Scholz),並晉見教宗方濟各,獲得各方實質的全力支持。(編輯:郭中翰)1120515

    Russia Becoming A Vassal Of China Amid Ukraine War: Macron


    Russia has "already lost geopolitically" its war in Ukraine war and is effectively becoming a vassal state of China, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview published Sunday.

    "De facto, it has entered a form of subservience with regards to China and has lost its access to the Baltic, which was critical, because it prompted the decision by Sweden and Finland to join NATO," Macron told the Opinion newspaper.

    "This was unthinkable just two years ago. So it's already a geopolitical defeat," Macron said ahead of a visit to Paris by Ukraine's President Volodoymyr Zelensky later Sunday.

    "Let's be clear, Russia must not win this war militarily. So it's up to us to see how to help the Ukrainians with their counter-offensive, and how to prepare the issue of security guarantees in the negotiations that will inevitably take place," he said.

    "I've always said that in the end, Europe's security architecture will have to fully defend Ukraine. But it must also envisage non-confrontation with Russia and rebuild a sustainable balance of forces," he continued.

    "But there are still many steps that must be taken before we get to that," he said.