:golden-agree: 屠華滅漢
曾在DCMA 國防合同管理局任職的人員推測-俄軍"大車隊"堵車的另一項因素是因為缺乏維護導致輪胎嚴重劣化
另外就是 根據一位曾在 DCMA 國防合同管理局 任職的人員
根據俄軍載具的照片,視頻判斷出,俄軍嚴重缺乏 "預防性維護",導致輪胎嚴重劣化
Now look at the same Pantsir-S1 tire sidewalls after the Ukrainians tried to tow or drive it out of the mud.
The right rear tire fell apart because the rips in it were too big for the CTIS to keep aired up.
No one exercised that vehicle for 1 year
There is a huge operational level implication in this. If the Russian Army was too corrupt to exercise a Pantsir-S1. They were too corrupt to exercise the trucks & wheeled AFV's now in Ukraine.
The Russians simply cannot risk them off road during the Rasputitsa/Mud season
Given the demonstrated levels of corruption in truck maintenance. There is no way in h--l that there are enough tires in the Russian army logistical system.
So their wheeled AFV/truck park is as road bound as Russian Army columns were in the 1st Russo-Finnish War.
One of the biggest reasons for the repositioning, per TACOM logistic Representatives, was that direct sunlight ages truck tires.
The repositioning of Trucks in close parking prevents a lot of this sun rotting and cycling the CTIS keeps the tire sidewalls supple.
When you leave military truck tires in one place for months on end. The side walls get rotted/brittle such that using low tire pressure setting for any appreciable distance will cause the tires to fail catastrophically via rips.
我是 DCMA 質量審計員,負責美國陸軍的 FMTV“車輛演習計劃”,在 1990 年代中期到 2000 年代中期製造它們的承包商那裡。然後我們得到了更多的新人。
特別是您想鍛煉中央輪胎充氣系統 (CTIS) 以查看管路是否有洩漏或是否有昆蟲/害蟲巢穴阻塞了系統。
CTIS 控制器和 CTIS 圖
根據 TACOM 後勤代表的說法,重新定位的最大原因之一是陽光直射會使卡車輪胎老化。
卡車在近距離停車時重新定位可防止大量太陽腐爛,CTIS 使輪胎側壁保持柔軟。
現在看看烏克蘭人試圖將它拖出泥地後的相同 Pantsir-S1 輪胎側壁。
右後輪胎分崩離析,因為它的裂口太大,CTIS 無法保持通風。
1 年沒有人使用那輛車
支持Turkistan Islamic Party在華一切行動,徹底驅逐新疆殖民兵團
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轉載 抵抗「匪語」係文化獵巫?我哋先係俾人獵緊嗰個巫!
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召喚起底組 粵切字發起人係支那仔?
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