:golden-agree: 屠華滅漢
時代革命 Revolution of Our Times BT下載
這場發生在2019年的抗爭運動,有著不少突破以往群眾運動想像的特色,例如「無大台」、「be water」、「不割蓆」、「遍地開花」等等。紀錄片追訪了七個不同人物或團隊,為這個波瀾壯闊卻又靈活多變的運動,拼湊出一幅全面的圖畫:
“Hong Kong is on the frontlines of a global battle for freedom.” TIME Magazine
Over the past fifty years, Hongkongers have fought for freedom and democracy but have yet to succeed. In 2019, the “Extradition Bill” to China opened a Pandora’s box, turning Hong Kong into a battlefield against the Chinese authoritarian rule. The award-winning director of “Ten Years: Self Immolator,” Kiwi Chow, made this documentary to tell the story of the movement, both with a macro view of its historical context and up close and personal on the front lines.
The 2019 movement is always labelled with the characteristics of “decentralized leadership”, “be water” (flexible tactics), “do not split” (unity but in different ways) and “blossoming everywhere” (protest all over the territory). The film covers seven teams of protestors with different stories which are put together as a comprehensive picture of the versatile movement:
A group of netizens formed a sentinel station which spread first-hand information from the frontlines and coordinated “parent-cars” to help protestors to escape;
An online journalist, who did the live broadcasting of the “Storming the Legislature” and the “Yuen Long Attack”, became an iconic figure and ultimately played a significant role pushing the movement forward;
A 73-year-old farmer with other elderlies formed the “Protect the Children” group. He shielded young protesters by his own body, even being pushed to the ground, and pepper-sprayed in the eyes by the riot police;
A high school voluntary first-aider witnessed a subway terror attack by the police and was rejected for entering the station to save the wounded. The nightmare made the once peaceful minded first-aider willing to accept more violent means to fight against authoritarianism;
A team of university students used relatively violent tactics like Molotov cocktails and flare guns, to protect their own campus, to fight against over 2000 rounds of teargas from the police;
A teenage valiant protestor, with his schoolmates, was trapped in the “Poly-U Siege”. He failed to escape down the sewers and left his last words in a voice message;
A frontline protestor became a father figure to a small squad of twenty young protesters. This group of strangers turned into a big family which fled to Taiwan.
Democracy and freedom are now facing an unprecedented crisis over the world. The film “Revolution of Our Times” is not only about the battle of Hongkongers but is about a war between all freedom lovers and dictatorships of our globe.
Running Time: 152 minutes
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: Traditional Chinese and English
清共驅蝗 屠華滅漢 誘導秋海棠賤畜主動協助支那
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