• https://2047.one/t/18804#190282

    natasha 希望品葱用户“天空一无所有”能来2047作客







    YouTube @XComhghall 希望在未來做些原創的鬼畜、音樂、評論之類的影片。

    去年 4 月 8 日加入膜乎與品蔥,4 月 16 日來到 2049。當時只看帖不發言,後來一直在膜乎玩,也沒上 2049 幾次,沒想到一別就是永別。我加入 2049 的時候,是蔡偉先生被捕的三天前,後來 2049 在 7 月中旬就下線了。

    三是個很奇妙的數字,三天對我來說也是個很奇妙的詞。主 依依蘇斯・合爾利斯托斯 是在受死的三天後復活,蔡偉先生卻在主復活的那天被捕。與蔡偉先生有著如此緣分的我,也為被捕的他向復活的主祈禱。願蔡偉先生,也願承蒙蔡偉先生恩澤的我們,得著塵世與靈魂的平安,得著主永恆的祝福的一部分,得著永恆而有福的生命的喜樂。也願繼承了 2049 的 2047,帶領我們在這條道路上繼續走向民主、自由、光明的明天。

    從死人中復活、以死亡戰勝死亡、又向那些墳墓中的人賜予生命的主 依依蘇斯・合爾利斯托斯 啊,求你也拯救蔡偉,也從匪徒與暴君的手下拯救所有被囚禁、在逃亡、受迫害的人。主啊,你沒有受到死亡的侵染與傷害,求你也使他們平安而不受懼怕地歸來,也救我們脫離凶惡,脫離那惡者。Remember, visit, strengthen, and comfort us all, and by thy power quickly grant them relief, freedom, and deliverance.

    「看哪, 神 的帳幕在人間!
    神 要親自與他們同在。
    神 要擦去他們一切的眼淚;
    因為先前的事都過去了。」(啓示錄 21:3–4)

    主 依依蘇斯・合爾利斯托斯 , 神 的 兒子 ,施恩於我們。

    Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.


    一. 信念與立場



    翻牆是自 2015 ± 5 年開始的,但好像以前就了解過六四等事件。翻牆之時已經厭惡狗草黨的草(指暴政),尤其是日人民的報(指宣傳)了。

    我在 2019 年 8 月第一次到訪品蔥,大概是研究反送中的時候閱讀了他們的「爲什麽國内的人說香港游行年輕人為廢青,如是,那他們心裏,89年是不是也是一群廢青?」等文章。2019 年 10 月在品蔥學習趙翠帝的語錄與辱包文化。2020 年愚人節在品蔥姨學專業深造。2020 年 4 月 8 日在膜乎與品蔥註冊。

    後來通過品蔥了解到 2049,在 4 月 16 日註冊了帳戶。今天第一次也是再次來到 2047,希望能夠向諸位學習先進的自由、民主的理論,也與諸位討論哲學、信仰、音樂、與文學。

    二. 興趣與熱愛

    哲學:(新)柏拉圖哲學。反對 nominalism、虛無主義等邪教。
    文學:中世紀(The Faerie Queene 那種)、古典(Homer, Virgil, etc.),對中俄狗草主義文學感到好奇。對文藝復興時期的文學只有出於研究的興趣,對現代主義、浪漫主義不感興趣。

    三. 對諸夏的展望

    根據蒹葭苍苍在品韭上已刪除的「分裂/一統陣營九宮格」,算是「守序分裂/統一」,既統又獨(聯邦,federation)。在分裂與統一中二選一的話,我支持分裂。在獨立與獨裁中二選一的話,我支持臺獨。 根據kindnetken19的「戰爭/和平陣營九宮格」,算是混亂善良(神爱世人,也原諒粉紅五毛)、混乱中立(客觀批評)。 根據yukinonorikuni的「國家/華夏/人權陣營九宮格」,算是反共恨國,支持中国人权。

    3.1 國家結構

    聯邦制。但我更喜歡「共和」(communion) 這種說法,並非中文中「共和國」(republic,民眾之國、公之國) 的意思,而是與共產主義的英語 communism 同源,源自 community、common,即「公共」、「共同」的意思。




    如果什麼地方的沼氣池突然蹦出來了個光頭美洲黑熊(指 Xinnie the Pooh),且該黑熊取得了政府的權力,因為沒有集權的中央政府,其土地與人力資源被限制與一個地方,且面臨相鄰地方的政府 / 人民的討伐。

    如果要集中力量辦大事的話就聯邦制地讓各地政府 / 人民派代表建個議會嘛,畢竟集中力量是辦大事,而不是創造一個無法無天的吃人的怪物。

    3.2 政府結構





    愛自己的人呢,學習怎麼當上 CEO、迎娶白富美的知識,就是達成目標的方法。愛著人民的政府呢,再就是制定良好的真正能造福人民的政策,大概相當於立法吧。

    美呢,簡單來說就是善與真的果實。屠殺總是恐怖、醜陋的,而生命、秩序總是美麗的——這是因為,生命是真,而死亡是偽,不存在的事物就是虛假,或煙滅的真實。屠殺是反真的,也是反愛的。屠殺這個行為的「存在」本身,是對恨的「愛」與基於不存在的「存在」。美就是促進、支持、呼籲善與真,以及政府與人民間的和諧(不是粉飾的那種!應該是主要代表人民吧)的,大概 . . . 相當於宣傳部?





    四. 關於伊斯蘭教

    對於穆斯林我的了解是,古蘭經要求他們主動發動對異教徒(包括無神論)的戰爭,並在任何類型的戰爭 / 聖戰中屠殺所有異教徒,也包括聖經之眾(猶太人與基督徒),以顯示信仰的真實,得到救恩的保障。雖然其他宗教的信徒在歷史上也有暴行,但那並不是其宗教及經書所提倡的,而是信徒自身的貪念、自私、與歧視。猶太教只有處決猶太人,但除非出埃及那種特例,沒有屠殺(外國)異教徒的說法。關於進攻 / 侵略性戰爭的規定是,需要有神明確特殊的命令(以斯列國只出現過一次,即出埃及,亞伯拉罕與其他情況都是非攻擊性的防禦性戰爭),聖經也明確地指出,「沒有神的支持與保護,你們都是戰五渣」,在沒有神諭的情況下,猶太人也都乖乖地待在約旦河岸。今日你我非猶太教徒又不信他們的神,或不信他們的神會仇恨我們,自然不相信猶太教徒會收到發動戰爭的神諭,然而伊斯蘭教是唯一鼓勵進攻、屠殺異教徒的主流宗教,他們的戰爭 / 聖戰也並非特例,不需要神諭。


  • https://pincong.rocks/user/admin_log/uid-45796

    禁止登录 • 2022-07-15
    管理员: 一只鹿兒 (1347 8255)
    用户: XComhghall 观察 (33 1115)
    详情: 习禁5a【禁钓鱼令】在品葱发送来源不明的私密通信方式(手机、微信、QQ、邮箱、telegram等)或网站链接

    标记 (观察) • 2022-07-15
    管理员: 一只鹿兒 (1347 8255)
    用户: XComhghall 观察 (33 1115)
    详情: 习禁5a【禁钓鱼令】在品葱发送来源不明的私密通信方式(手机、微信、QQ、邮箱、telegram等)或网站链接 https://pincong.rocks/article/item_id-795121 https://pincong.rocks/article/item_id-795120

  • https://2047.one/t/19041

    嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚,2047 你害人不淺


    2047 …… 你把多少人的品蔥帳戶!!!都他妈毁了!!!

    怪不得 natasha 說,请广大跨站用户帮忙通话,原來誰去誰被封鎖啊。


    2047,我要跟你,一刀,一刀 …… 不,不斷,呃,吾有寶刀一口,獻上恩相。

  • https://www.reddit.com/user/XComhghall/






    所以我们需要一个法外之地-不仅是一个没有言论管制,没有对异见和异见者压制和迫害的地方,更是一个脱离、去除上千年奴化、陋习、愚昧、劣根的枷锁,至少是开始(initiate, inaugurate)脱去这些枷锁的地方。我们需要一个自由、民主的地方-即使这只是网络。

  • 伊真神已經降生惹喵~(趙翠帝怎麼還不去死呢? 這個十字架之所以向右(是的,我之前畫反了)與政治立場或是納粹均無關,只是因為 ΧΡ 的 Ρ 是向右而已。

  • 我在美國高中物理都沒有學過這個。小學倒好像記得有些關於電的內容。

  • 這人在迷霧通論壇懷念恐怖分子蟲文門,可見他是恐怖分子的同夥

  • https://www.reddit.com/r/XComhghall/comments/uyd8vc/新闻自由还是烟雾笼罩的会议室兼谈_erski_被弹劾一事/

    23 最初的观点是,引入记者进驻 mod 群聊和 sub,开放 mod sub,维护、增进言论自由、新闻自由。

    Erski 对 23 开放 sub 的提议,认为:「等同于实时向外界直播,会放大 mod 在讨论时犯的错,进一步增加发言顾虑」。

    23 对此的回复是:「持保留意见,如果大家都可以做到不把版务 sub 的内容外泄的话那自然不开放是最好;但在有人在过去和未来都会外泄的前提上考虑唯一防止这个外泄的人利用外泄作为一种工具的方法是完全的透明」。

    6 小时后,为弹劾 Erski,23 引用了他本来「持保留意见」的 Erski 的这则评论,认为 Erski 实名提供完整的 mod 讨论截图「极大地劣化讨论效率」。

    Erski 两次提供截图。第一次是私聊向 Left understanding 澄清,询问 Left understanding 不良记录的不是 Asgard。第二次是查多玛义人实名爆料投票制度讨论和宪法雏形,实名提供四则完整讨论记录。

    既然 23 愿意开放 mod sub,认为开放 mod sub 造成的发言顾虑、讨论效率尚且可以接受,Erski 仅仅实名提供四件事的完整、未经删节的讨论记录,又为何是什么重大问题呢?

    23 使用他本来「持保留意见的」的 Erski 的评论,作为弹劾 Erski 的论据,我认为,显示 23 在弹劾 Erski 一事上,有些对人不对事。在我看来,23 是受了个人情绪的影响,而非出于立场、原则,就事论事 —— 为弹劾 Erski,23 改变了自己 6 小时前的立场。

    Mod 的讨论被公布,是否会造成发言顾虑,劣化讨论效率?大多数 mod 都在欧美、台湾等民主、自由国家。以美国为例,所有国会讨论都会在 C-SPAN 上直播。每次讨论都长达几个小时,也有脱稿发言的议员,他们有发言顾虑吗?劣化讨论效率吗?

    Henry David Thoreau 说:Think for yourself, or others will think for you without thinking of you.

    Mod 是 CLTV 全体吧友的服务者、管理者。Mod 讨论的都是 CLTV 的公务。CLTV 的吧友,必须在关乎他们的事上有发言权。我们讨论 CLTV 的公务,却顾虑吧友知道我们在讨论什么,我想,怕不是我们在 thinking for CLTV without thinking of CLTV,讨论公务,却不考虑公众。

    「大家都不把版务 sub 的内容外泄,不开放,不公开,不透明。」 —— 这未免有些 smoke-filled room 的意思了。身在自由世界的我们,反而不能接受民主,也觉得汥人素质太低、浪人素质太低,不适合民主?

    我觉得 Erski 和吧友 Hongkongjai 说得很好。




    报料 mod 曝光了 mod 组在计划和执行职能的事务,伸张了大众知情权,结果是要大清洗。
    报料的内容符合迪友的大众利益,被报人士为 mod 组,内容亦非 mod 组的私人事务,因此报料内容属公属事务,有被保护的价值。

  • https://2047.one/p/190412

    @通音宽依 #118358 他不是臺灣人。用的很多詞、字都絕對不是臺灣甚至香港的,明顯是機器轉換。例:一只鹿兒、信息、通信、網絡、聯絡、封禁。或許是陸配?

    @通音宽依 #188694 請問 KBBL 是什麼?

  • 我看品蔥站長這麼缺錢,哪天把品蔥買下來,變成 2047 的一個特別行政區。

  • 如何判斷普通 vs. 永久觀察?品蔥不是支黑極右嗎,怎麼會左派?

  • 学外语 TV 中英对照 “Xi-insult”: Anger, helplessness, and resistance behind the dark humor of the Chinese people

    VOA 文章:https://www.voachinese.com/a/6519949.html



    “Xi-insult”: Anger, helplessness, and resistance behind the dark humor of the Chinese people

    2022-04-08 08:13


    Xiao Yu, Zhou Shiwei

    [圖像 Image]


    “Xi-insulting” works made by netizens (from the “Xi-Insulting Club” and “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation”, Twitter)


    He said it is an absurd time:


    Xi Jinping is the sole supreme leader, and is set to be re-elected without a time limit. This is not called “dictatorship”, but “whole-process people’s democracy”. A large number of people have been laid off and have no choice but to do odd jobs. This is not called “a wave of unemployment”, but “flexible employment reaching 200 million”. 600 million people each have an income of less than 1,000 yuan. This is not called “poverty and backwardness”, but “all out of poverty and all-round prosperity”.


    “Everything is so absurd, yet it is the reality in China today”, said the post-90s Chinese, who calls himself “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation” on Twitter.


    Two years ago, he opened YouTube and Twitter accounts to post the absurd realities inside the Great Firewall, and “Xi-insulting” works that mock Xi Jinping, the supreme leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


    “Xi-insult” is a political meme that has been popular on the Internet for a while. In 2013, after Xi Jinping’s visit to the “Qingfeng Stuffed Bun Restaurant”, some netizens used stuffed bun to ridicule Xi Jinping. In the nearly ten years since then, China’s politics and economy have completely regressed, the international environment has deteriorated unprecedentedly, and the current national zero-COVID policy has made life impossible for people, and caused extensive complaints. Outside the Great Firewall, numerous works mock, satirize, and insult Xi Jinping. In the rebels’ circles, they are called “dairy (insulting) products”.

    Translator notes:

    Xi-insult is the translation of Chinese rubao ‘stuffed bun-insult’, stuffed bun being Xi’s nickname.
    Milk or dairy is the homonym of insult in Chinese.


    From a “little pinko” to a “successor of accelerationism”


    “In today’s public opinion environment in China, this is the only way to safely express one’s dissatisfaction with public policies, and opposition to Xi Jinping”, said Stephanie, a post-90s Chinese living in Canada.

    她是海外年轻人组织“乳透社”的成员之一。 Stephanie告诉美国之音,他们的成员分布在世界各地,在现实生活中并不认识,共同的特点是热爱“辱包文化”。

    She is a member of the overseas young people’s organization “Xi-Insulting Club”. Stephanie told Voice of America (VOA) that their members are distributed all over the world, and do not know each other in real life. Their commonality is their love of the “Xi-insulting culture”.


    The political enlightenment of “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation” came from the works of the “Xi-Insulting Club” that he saw after bypassing the Great Firewall. “Insulting products” such as The Qingfeng Language and The King of Poetry overturned his outlook as a “little pinko”.


    “In my impression, Xi Jinping is an amiable, approachable person with a fairly high level of education. But by watching the Xi-insulting works of the “Xi-Insulting Club”, and searching and verifying it outside the Great Firewall, I discovered that the various unlettered memes such as “very delicate”, “Sager King”, and bragging memes such as “carrying two hundred catties of wheat and walking ten miles on mountain road without changing shoulders”, were in fact from Xi Jinping himself. So I learned that Xi Jinping is the exact opposite of what is propagandized by the Party media”, he told VOA.


    Now, “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation” calls itself a “successor of accelerationism”. He said that if the “chief accelerator” Xi Jinping insists on driving backwards and running counter to the mainstream values ​​of the world, he can help him.


    Like Xi-insult, accelerationism is a popular term online in the Chinese-speaking world in the past few years. “China Digital Times”, the Internet research project of the University of California, Berkeley, summed up the logic behind accelerationism as such: “If the problem of the system is hopeless, rather than opposing it or patching its loopholes, the better choice is to boost its aggravating process and accelerate its demise.”


    Stephanie, a member of the “Xi-Insulting Club”, said that the theory of accelerationism is an idea that originated from the dissatisfaction and despair of “rebels” with the current policies of Xi Jinping. “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation” also said that accelerationism more so reveals a kind of helplessness.


    “Because as Chinese nationals, we do not have any political rights. Everything we do is left to the top officials. With Xi Jinping’s accelerated retrograde actions, there is very little we can do to resist”, he said.


    Humor is the weapon that dismantles authority

    华盛顿知名“中国通”、美国伍德罗威尔逊国际学者中心基辛格中美研究所主任戴博(Robert Daly)还是头一次听说辱包文化。观看了一些“乳制品”后,他说,这些视频尽管在音乐、视觉制作方面水平不高,像小孩子玩闹般地将新闻素材东拼西凑,但他还是很鼓励他们继续玩下去,因为“幽默有时候是一种非常好的武器”。

    Robert Daly, a well-known “China Hand” in Washington, D.C., and director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the United States, heard of the Xi-insulting culture for the first time. After watching some “insulting products”, he said that although these videos are not of a high level in terms of music and visual production, piecing together news materials like children playing, he encourages them to continue playing, because “humor is sometimes a very powerful weapon”.

    戴博对美国之音说,中国的审查部门“如果有真正的自信心,你的脸皮可以稍微厚一点。你不必害怕这些东西。 ”

    Daly told VOA that China’s censorship department, “if you are truly self-confident, you can be a little thicker-skinned. You do not have to be afraid of these things.”


    There are also supporters of the “Xi-insulting culture” who pointed out that, like the political jokes popular in the former Soviet Union, the “Xi-insulting culture” is a very meaningful subculture under the tense political pressure. Human rights activist and former leader of the Tiananmen student protests Zhou Fengsuo is one of them.


    “In a Communist dictatorial society, using this kind of parody to deconstruct the official narrative and dismantle his [sic] authority is a long-standing way of civil resistance”, he said.


    Zhou Fengsuo said that the dictatorial regime relies on violence and lies to subdue the people, and through all kinds of brainwashing, to achieve in the people a conscious servility, and devout worship of the supreme leader.


    “Worship of Putin is very popular in China right now, [and] worship of Xi Jinping. Deconstructing this kind of propaganda and brainwashing is very meaningful work”, he told VOA.


    Zhou Fengsuo pays close attention to and appreciates these young people who have independent thought and dare to challenge authority, and hopes that more people will join in their actions.


    Beijing’s long arm


    “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation” said that if “Xi-insult” were just the self-entertainment of the rebels, insult for its own sake, Beijing would not take such large-scale measures to suppress it. The CCP has used a large amount of stability maintenance resources on him. Nearly 10 members in his Telegram group were invited by their local police to drink tea, and asked for information about the group owner.


    “When I was inside the Wall, I was under enormous mental pressure every day, afraid that I would be evaporated at any time. For a while, I thought of quitting, reduced the frequency of updates, and planned to quit, but fortunately in the end, with the help of several persons, I have successfully left the Wall Nation and can speak more safely”, “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation” told VOA.


    Stephanie, a member of the “Xi-Insulting Club”, also said that many authors inside the Wall who contributed to the “Xi-Insulting Club” lost contact for unknown reasons. They were deeply worried about these authors’ safety. In addition, the YouTube channels of the “Xi-Insulting Club” have been subject to constant infringement complaints by parties including the Chinese video-sharing website Bilibili. In February this year, on the eve of the annual Xi-Insulting New Year Celebration, two YouTube channels of the “Xi-Insulting Club” were suddenly banned completely.


    YouTube informed in an email that the accounts “violated YouTube’s Terms of Service” and were terminated. The appeal filed by the “Xi-Insulting Club” met with failure.


    “We are very angry and very hurt”, Stephanie told VOA, “We are a little suspicious — of course, we have no evidence — Could it be because Xi Jinping is about to be re-elected this year, so the Ministry of State Security has taken actions at all costs . . . to clear dissent overseas for Xi Jinping's re-election by all means.”


    Daly, director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States, said that he understands the disappointment of these young people when being banned. He believes that there is no major problem with the content of the “Xi-insulting” works. They are no different from the works in the West that mock Trump or satirize Biden. It is an inalienable right to publish these works.


    “These are very normal political freedom of speech”, he said.


    Hold a candle for people inside the Wall


    For the members of “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation” and the “Xi-Insulting Club”, embarking on the path of “Xi-insult” involved their fun-loving mentality at first, but as the number of fans continued to increase, and the influence continued to grow, the “Xi-insulting persons” also felt a sense of mission. Although they know that they are far from the mainstream among the 1.4 billion Chinese people, the private messages of netizens from all over the world make them feel that they are not alone.


    Recently, another netizen sent a private message to “Frog Haha of the Wall Nation”:


    “Brother Frog, I had been a pinko for more than ten years, and have finally changed my mind recently. The ridiculous “dynamic zero-COVID” policy has made me sick . . . I could not understand why the entire nation is fighting against a little cold even now. Now I know that it is to put on a performance for Winnie’s esteem. For him, a single person, the freedom and life of all the people of the nation are sacrificed. This is a morbid society, a society in which one can oppress the people as long as he pleases his superiors . . .”


    There was also a viewer inside the Wall who said to the “Xi-Insulting Club”, that “Xi-insulting” works are his spiritual pillar and sole source of happiness. Stephanie told VOA that these words moved them. No matter how difficult it is, the “Xi-Insulting Club” will persevere, with the hope that these works can bring a little joy and hope to those living under high pressure, and hold a candle for them.


    “Even if it is tiny, I believe this little light is meaningful”, she said.

  • 他不是r/mohu的管理員?

  • @匿名者

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