:litiger-happy: 想黑海艦隊全滅?
烏克蘭 : 俄羅斯世世代代要血債血償 ! ! !
A senior Ukrainian military official has said "generations of Russians will answer" for a wave of explosions that struck multiple Ukrainian cities on Monday.
"The Russians are shameful losers. Did you intend to scare us?" Andrii Yermak, head of President Zelensky's office, said of the attacks.
There will be a harsh response to every hit. You will be held responsible for every death and suffering. And not only you. Entire generations of Russians will answer, Yermak said on Telegram.
"We will continue to destroy everyone who comes to Ukraine with weapons. These hits make us even angrier. These hits will only speed up our progress.
"We are not afraid. We are only getting angrier and more accurate," Yermak added.
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