Big 🇨🇳 news from @GOVUK hitting tomorrow. 👀
Watch this space.
#BREAKING: Prime Minister @trussliz to categorise Xi Jinping’s China as a “threat”. News comes just ahead of the 20th National Congress.
🇨🇳joins North Korea, Iran, and Russia, as countries deemed to threaten the 🇬🇧’s interests.
These aren’t just words. This will impact the entire foreign policy posture of the UK. For years now, ministers strong rhetoric has been undermined by officials intent on pursuing Osborne’s failed “Golden Era” strategy, legitimised by UK’s confusing “systemic competitor” label.
After a shaky start, this is a positive sign that @trussliz will keep her word on 🇨🇳.
Huge thanks to the MPs across all parties who defied whips, suffered unfair criticism and sanctions, and kept coming back again and again to push for this.
Change can happen. ✊
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