俄羅斯telegram 暗示7月3炸毀扎波羅熱歐洲最大核電站

  • Russian Telegram channels are spreading a provocative video hinting that they will blow up the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, located in Zaporizhzhia, on July 3. The world had to react to the undermining of #KakhovkaHPP very harshly. And these are the consequences of the lack of reaction.

    俄羅斯 Telegram 頻道正在傳播一段挑釁性視頻,暗示他們將在 7 月 3 日炸毀位於扎波羅熱的歐洲最大核電站。世界不得不對#KakhovkaHPP的破壞做出非常嚴厲的反應。這些都是缺乏反應的後果。
