與北約就俄烏論戰 中國代表聲稱「中國為和平締造者」引發台下恥笑聲
“I have a question for you, because you underline the principle of sovereignty and the importance of the internationally recognized borders in the world,” Bauer said, drawing applause. “I am correct, isn’t that true? Yeah. So why is it possible then that China still is not condemning Russia’s attack in Ukraine?”
China’s view of the “Ukraine crisis” includes a historic perspective and the world needs to “understand the root cause,” He said, prompting scattered laughter when he called China “the peacemaker in the world.”
中國不要臉竊日本和菓子文化 官媒瞎報維吾爾唐菓子
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民主支那人統戰時間 中大內地生K小姐:「我希望香港人都可以參與。」
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