:golden-agree: 歸英後做反華前線,全面封鎖支那人
Letter of Petition for Immediate Shutdown of all Communist China's Missions in the United Kingdom
We refer to the incident of Chinese diplomats imposing violence onto demonstrators outside their consulate-general in Manchester. In light of this event and the evolving situations in recent months, we petition the Government to shut down immediately all Chinese mission in the United Kingdom, to protect our society and communities from desperate attacks that have been conducted, are being conducted, and are to be conducted by the Chinese Communist Party via its diplomats.
The year of 2015 was considered as the beginning of a golden Anglo-Chinese relationship. However, dating back from today, that was also the beginning of the Chinese Foreign Ministry altering their mode of conduct. It was a direct result of XI Jinping’s political proposal of a new era, allegedly of Chinese own characteristics, in fact of establishing a bandit-like system of jungle rules. As part of this proposal, the Chinese foreign missions have been encouraged to attempt in every possible manner, mostly undiplomatic and desperate, to propagandise for XI Jinping.
The philosophy of communists is “to struggle”, a term referring to establish their dictatorship at any cost. During their history, the communists ever engaged themselves in kidnapping, robbery, murder and all other kinds of sins. All parties of communists, including the Chinese Communist Party, are established on a strict pyramid hierarchy, where unconditional obeyance of the instructions from the leader is the only approach to survival. This means, if considered under British laws, the Communist Party is but a criminal organization.
The only matter of law preventing from making such a finding, is that they are acting in the name of China, a sovereign state, thus making their Party a sovereign criminal organization. It would be naive of any foreign nation, including the British, to treat the Chinese Communists as a normal foreign government, respecting them with diplomatic privileges and to expect them to respond to us in the same and reciprocal manner. I wish my fellow British not to forget how XI Jinping ever treated our Queen, Ministers, and public servants during his visit to London in 2015. The golden age of the Anglo-Chinese relationship is but a lie for XI to score on before his fellow Communists.
Deception is also part of their strategies, especially when during the periods of weakness, such as during 1978 to 2012 for the Chinese Communist Party. When the Chinese Communists were persuading the international community to co-operate with them and thus to claim a share in China’s economic boost, they were, as claimed openly by their second-generation leader Deng Xiaoping, “accumulating powers”. Once the accumulation is finished, nothing on earth could stop them turning back to what they really are.
Rather than a sensational story, the Chinese communists are a danger in reality. LU Shaye, CCP’s ambassador to France addressed in public a French scholar as a “rogue” in response to that scholar’s speech in favour of establishing a better France-Taiwan relationship. In the United States, CCP’s diplomats ever engaged themselves in “counter backs” to the demonstrators at their embassy in Washington DC, by holding loudspeaker and uttering dirty words. Today’s event in Manchester is not alone, and CCP’s undiplomatic conduct will not stop. As an ex-Chinese, I am fully confident that any diplomatic protest would be in vain, as they were in vain for the past years when the British government protested for the situation in Hong Kong.
Every British individual who ever learned the history of the World War II knows how proud our Prime Minister Arthur Chamberlain was when he claimed that we reached a treaty with the Nazi Germany, by admitting the Germen absorbing Czech and Slovakia. That treaty was an exorbitantly expensive lesson for the British people to learn that compromises never bring peace. The only feasible way to secure the people is strong and firm counter backs against any violation to our values at our home. For all the reasons, we urge the government to shut down all Communist China’s missions in the United Kingdom, immediately and without delay.
Ambrosia PAGE [alias]
A British citizen, a solicitor in England and Wales, an ex-Chinese national, and an ever-suffered man.
17 October 2022
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