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尋晚係英國首相爭奪戰第二場電視辯論,入面有一個環節係畀候選人問其他候選人問題,下面係卓慧思問辛偉誠嘅對話,聽咗英文 n 次先抄到再翻譯,如果有聽錯,或者譯錯,請留言指出#read#pig 想睇片可以去下面 48:30 開始 #sowhat#pig
= = = = =
My question’s for Rishi. I’ll give you that.
Rishi, do you still think that we should be doing more business with China?
You know, I actually support the view of the Integrated Review.
The plan that you and I both sat around the Cabinet table and helped draft
which highlighted that China was an enormous threat to our national security.
And that’s the lens in which we should through it.
依個就係我地應該 [ 睇事物] 嘅角度
And Tom deserves actually credit on the backbenches for highlighting this issue, you know, amongst others. And he was very elite to it.
And the right approach to that is to take the powers and protections we need to protect our country against it.
Something actually you and I, Liz, worked together on to make sure we have the legislation that stops hostile investment into this country, protect our national infrastructure
But also, as the head of MI5 recently said in a joint speech with the head of MI6 where our values and interests are protected, of course, we should engage with China as we’d engage with all countries
So, you don’t want to go ahead with the Economic and Financial Dialogue with China?
My view is when we can protect ourselves, as we now and do, because of the powers that we’ve taken. That shouldn’t stop us from engaging with countries around the world.
And also making sure that we stand up for our values
Open ourselves up to those in Hong Kong and Tibet. Something that we all of us are probably proud of
= = = = =https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL2GPPuxjn4
【要人】寫信畀保守黨反對親共辛偉誠出任英國首相 (共黨傳媒唯一支持者)- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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