截至2022年6月尾,英國政府已經接獲超過14萬BNOVisa申請,同時已批出超過11萬BNO Visa
There were 18,100 applications for the BN(O) route in Q2 of 2022, with 17,406 out of country applications, and 700 in country applications. Of the total, 10,600 applications relate to main applicants and 7,500 relate to dependants. There have been a total of 140,500 applications for the BN(O) route since its introduction on 31st January 2021 up to the end of June 2022.
There were 18,587 grants of out of country BN(O) visas made in Q2 of 2022, of which 11,072 were for main applicants and 7,515 were for dependants. There were 878 grants of in country BN(O) visas made in Q2 of 2022, of which 473 were main applicants and 405 were dependants. There has been a total of 110,504 grants of out of country BN(O) visas made between 31st January 2021 and 30th June 2022, and a total of 22,620 grants of in country BN(O) visas made between 31st January 2021 to 30th June 2022.
There were 89 out-of-country BN(O) visa refusals, and 7 in-country BN(O) visa refusals in Q2 of 2022.
As expected, since the route launched the majority of grants (64%) were to BN(O) and/or Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passport holders. Dependants holding passports for countries other than BN(O) and/or HKSAR accounted for 77% of grants to dependants, including 75% who held Chinese passports.
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